AAB Here. A year or so ago, I wrote that I had been asked to take on some more direct control of the company. It was 256’s turn for a break. I had just had some pat leave before that, so fair is fair. Anyway, at the time I set some clear[…]
A New Member Joins SHG Studios…
Hello, SHG Community. My name is Bret Measor. This is the first of many dev blogs by me, and I want to start off my first entry by introducing myself and my video game industry history to the SHG Studio community. My work in the video game industry started shortly[…]

SHG Website Update
Hi Folks, Bear with us while our website hamsters do their thing. Their wheels spin fast, so we should be done ASAP. Admin.
Jewels & Gems and JSL 2 Hit new Landmarks!
It’s announcement time! Snakehead Games has some exciting news about Jewels and Gems, and JSL 2! Jewels & Gems has 50,000+ installs now on Android and JSL 2 just crossed the 25,000 mark! Don’t have these games yet? Get them here!
An updated look
We hope you enjoy the freshened up look for the Snakehead Games Inc. blog! We took the opportunity to do so during a recent server move. We were not happy with the slowing response of the prior host of our blog and so, here we are on our new “home”.[…]
Gates of Camelot are Open!
Gates of Camelot Here at Snakehead Games we’ve been cooking up a new game for you all to play. http://www.gatesofcamelot.com/ It’s called Gates of Camelot. It’s a new MMORPG based on Arthurian legend and is currently in open beta. So come try it out! If you sign up soon you’ll[…]
Gates of Camelot : Quotes by Players
On May 16th, we opened the Gates of Camelot to another round of testers. As an open beta they get to stay and play on! So far it’s seems quite the success (small bugs aside), and we’re happy to share some player quotes. “Another highly playable game out of SHG.[…]
Year of the Snake : 2012 Achievements and 2013 Plans for SHG
Welcome to the Year of the Snake! What a difference a year makes. This time last year Snakehead Games was just 3 friends working from their basements. Now we have grown into a thriving 12-person team, tackling all sorts of exciting projects. MOBILE While most of the expanded team works[…]
2165 Alias Record Broken!
Today in Spy Battle players created so many aliases to celebrate Qilapid for his years of service as a CSR, that they broke the record for active aliases! In honour of this we have given 2 Notorious/Special Agent days to our users currently wearing an alias. Impressive accomplishment guys!
SHG Job: Game Graphic Production. 6 Month Contract. Hire Date: Jan 28, 2013
We’re looking for someone to help create great looking mobile games, as well as supporting our existing games. This means knowing games fairly well and producing game imagery & graphics really well. As there will be a lot of posing existing 3D models to create 2D images, the role requires[…]
Star Pirates Ascension 2: One Month On
It’s the one month launch anniversary of Ascension 2. A2 is the much loved, but demanding, expansion of StarPirates.net, Snakehead Games’ flagship text-based browser RPG. Ascension 2 allows advanced players to reboot their character in a standalone mission. While in the mission they aren’t able to use some of the[…]