AAB Here. A year or so ago, I wrote that I had been asked to take on some more direct control of the company. It was 256’s turn for a break. I had just had some pat leave before that, so fair is fair. Anyway, at the time I set some clear[…]

SHG is Small Biz of the Year!
SHG Studios is the Small Business of the Year in our city! There are a lot of great businesses in the area, who both create jobs and build the community. We happen to be one, and we’re really pleased — very, very happy — to be[…]

Quotely Quotes about SHG
Howdy All, We realised that we got a tonne of reviewes from players – and we don’t share them! Vast majority are really positive, some are questions, and yeah, the occasional troll stretching their legs, but in general the amount of joy they are talking about…that makes for a good start[…]
Ominouser And Ominouser
The Oort cloud is abuzz with…curious readings. The spy rings of 2165 are quietly reeling from the implications of the so-called “Canberra Incident”. (Which didn’t TECHNICALLY happen IN Canberra, but you know how it is…) And in the real world, Twitter feeds are also abuzz. What can it all mean?[…]
Snakehead Games in Hamilton Spectator
We just had a great write up of Snakehead Games in the Hamilton Spectator. It’s the big but local paper we had growing up. Pretty cool for the Admins. To be sure though, the real story as always is the the amazing community that makes what we do work and[…]