Hey Everyone, Wings here again with another update! Zombie Moon has received a new update to help us bring you more content without downloading the app every time. With this new update we are bringing out new Tasks that can be done Daily, Weekly and during Special Events! Additional tasks will be coming as the days go by. On top of that we have Achievements, currently only available for Android users (Apple users will be getting achievements on next update, please be patient with us). We have also added a social page in the settings screen making sharing on social media much easier than ever before!

Now for the best announcement… we have also added some new missions! Specifically going along the lines of Star Pirates… Zombie Moon now has a new mission starring Lyz Brickly! She has done a fantastic job and we’re very excited to add her to the Zombie Moon Universe. Definitely check out more of her work here. Also check out the new mission in game now, if you want the full content don’t forget to update to the latest version 3.3.06.
We are planning more content over the next few months with new missions and tasks. Stay tuned!