SHG Studios Game Rules

Last Updated: May 23, 2024

Welcome to the gaming world of SHG Studios, a division of Snakehead Games Inc. We aim to provide a fair, fun, and engaging experience for all players. 

These rules are subject to change and staff interpretation at any time. Essentially, play nice and we’ll all have fun! But if you try to be a disruptive jerk you can expect to be quickly frozen or banned.


Violating any of these rules may result in penalties, including temporary or permanent bans from the game. SHG Studios reserves the right to enforce these rules and ensure a safe and enjoyable environment for all players.

Bad Days

We recognise that everyone has bad days. 1-day suspensions are often for the benefit of the player so that they get a time to cool off. 

For any questions or to report issues, please contact our support team at Enjoy your gaming experience with SHG Studios!

General Rules

General Rules

1. Be Kind

2. Fair Play

3. Account Security

4. Content Standards

5. No Religion, No Politics

6. Reporting Issues

7. No Selling of Accounts

8. Fair Business Ethics

9. Low Drama Please

10. No Privacy Violations

By participating in our games, you agree to abide by the following rules:

  1. Be Kind

Treat all players with respect. Harassment, bullying, or any form of abusive behavior will not be tolerated. Real life threats are an insta-ban. In-game threats are reviewed on a case by case basis.

  1. Fair Play

Do not use cheats, hacks, or any unauthorized third-party software to gain an unfair advantage. This is an insta-ban.

  1. Account Security

Keep your account information secure. Do not share your login details with others.

  1. Content Standards

Avoid posting or sharing inappropriate, offensive, or illegal content within the game. Do not swear. 

  1. No Religion, No Politics 

This is a place for fun. We have had this rule in place since 2008. It works.

  1. Reporting Issues

Report any bugs, exploits, or violations of these rules to our support team. If you can, please try to find out more about the trigger – the more information that we have, the more easily we can replicate it, then resolve it. You may even get a reward badge for a particularly tricky one!

  1. No Selling of Accounts

You may not sell accounts nor in-game forms of virtual property for real life funds. These are not owned by players. We supply a gaming service, not manage digital property. This distinction is necessary for a number of legal reasons which otherwise could jeopardize the running of the game. 

  1. Fair Business Ethics

We try HARD to ethically and diligently ensure people have fun, are safe and (if they support us) get what they’ve paid for. Occasionally 3rd parties have issues with payments. It happens. If you’ve got an issue – contact us and we’ll do our very best. Under no circumstances does purchasing make you immune to the rules and penalties listed herein.

  1. Low Drama Please

This is a game. Please remember that when things don’t go your way – also remember it when things are great. We’re here to have fun – as a community. If you’re not having fun by all means take a time out, or leave. It’s just a game!

  1. No Privacy Violations

References to real life personal situations or events, asking for personal information, or asking for contact information of any kind are strictly prohibited for safety reasons. You may share information about yourself if you wish, but we ask you exercise caution and common sense when doing so. You may NOT reveal real life and/or private information about any other accounts or players without their explicit consent; this includes the moderators, CSRs, and administrators, as well as Snakehead Games, Inc.!

Starcrash Games Rules 

Starpirates, Spybattle, Pirates of Procyon, Zombie Moon

Starcrash Games Rules

1. No advertising of other websites, chat systems or (online or offline) games or game networks.

2. No SPAM

3. No Multi-Accounting

4. Do NOT Exploit Bugs

5. Admins, Staff and Moderators

6. No Automation

7. Respect Human Rights

8. No Selling of Accounts

9. Fair Business Ethics

10. TEEN-Rated and Mature Material

11. Ownership of Items Uploaded

12. Naming Rules (Usernames, Aliases, Shipnames, Fleet Names/Ranks)

13. Overreacting, Leaving and Overplaying

14. Online Hits are not “Griefing”

15. No Privacy Violations

1. No advertising of other websites, chat systems or (online or offline) games or game networks.

Text-based URLs in your forum signature are allowed for not-for-profit sites and to webcomics but banners are not. You may never list links to for-profit websites, chat systems, game networks and the like in the forums, Shout Box, Private Messages and other screens visible during game play. Posting any external (non-Snakehead Games) links in the Shout Box is strictly forbidden. The discussion of other games (both online and offline) is not permitted however usernames and aliases may reference characters or variations thereof from other games. Be respectful that you are a part of our community while here – players are here to discuss and play THIS game, not others.

2. No SPAM

SPAM is the practice of subjecting other players to unwanted or repetitive material. SPAM is not permitted in the forums, Shout Box, Private Messages and other screens visible during game play. Examples of SPAM can include but are not limited to: begging, unnecessary characters prefixing or following conversation, repeating the same message or quoting song lyrics (i.e. singing) in the Shout Box for multiple shouts, and repeated interruptions that do not contribute to the ongoing conversation. The repeated use of ALL CAPS in the Shout Box is considered SPAM. Posting solely in order to claim the shoutbox is SPAM. Begging for items, points, money or for loans of these to buy something etc. in the forums, Shout Box, Private Messages and other screens visible during game play is also SPAM and is aggressively followed up with warnings, freezes or bans. The Admins, CSRs, and Moderators may use discretion and ignore occasional or brief discussions that violate these rules but will not allow them to continue indefinitely. Please try not to overwhelm the Shout Box with nothing but your own shouts. The shoutbox is a place for conversation, not monologues. English is the only language of the Shout Box and the forum (though a specific thread in the forums for another language(s) is allowed).

3. No Multi-Accounting

You are allowed ONE (and only one) account in each of our games. That account may be used by one player. You may not create nor use more than one account. If your account is banned you may not create another account. A maximum of two separate players may play on the same IP address (i.e. from the same internet account – computer/home/office). An exception allowing more than two players on one IP may be made, but only if you contact the admin team via ticket in advance of creating the additional account(s) and get approval. If one account on your IP address is banned, ALL accounts which have used that IP address will be banned.

If you aren’t sure if you are Multi-Accounting:

1. Is someone (you or another person) logging on to or using more than one account?

2. Is a player getting more than the results of their own play? (i.e. the playing-for variant)

If you answer “Yes” to either of these questions, then you are cheating. We will ban the accounts.

IF YOU HAVE MORE THAN ONE ACCOUNT OR YOU “HELP” ANOTHER PLAYER BY LOGGING IN AS THEM YOU ARE MULTIACCOUNTING AND WE WILL BAN ALL INVOLVED ACCOUNTS FOREVER. WE WILL CATCH ANYONE TRYING IT AND WE WILL NOT ACCEPT EXCUSES. Don’t do this to yourself and others as we will NOT undo a ban for multi-accounting. Violators will be locked out of all Snakehead Games Inc. games. If you are banned and try to return with a new account, the account will be banned immediately.

4. Do NOT Exploit Bugs

Exploitation of any bugs or weaknesses in game software will not be tolerated. We will use our discretion in determination of what is cheating and we will take immediate action against the accounts that are violating the rules. If you encounter an exploit, contact a moderator immediately and then raise a ticket for admin review. Do not publicly post it.

5. Admins, Staff and Moderators

We employ an in-house staff that develops, runs, and administers the games. We are not accepting any staff applications at this time. Moderators are selected volunteers – we will contact players if we are expanding the Moderator group.

If a Moderator, Customer Service Representative (CSR) or Admin gives you a clear directive and you ignore it you risk being frozen and/or banned from the site. Click here to see the game leaders. Should you have an issue with moderation, the correct procedure is to contact the moderator(s) via Private Message and discuss it. Should this not resolve the problem, the next step is to open a support ticket. At no stage should a dispute or personal issue with moderation actions be posted in the Shout Box, ship name, death message, name, alias or on the forums. Breaching this process will result in a freeze in the first instance and a permanent ban should it be repeated. There will be no warnings issued.

6. No Automation

The use of macro programs, scripts, browser plug-ins or any type of software that allows for automation is strictly prohibited. We have systems in place that monitor all accounts for automation and we do not give second chances for macro abuse. Anything that replaces a “click” or “key press” is considered automation. If you’re not playing – and you’re getting something – you are cheating and you are wasting game resources. We have no tolerance for cheaters.

7. Respect Human Rights

The use of nudity and racism anywhere on this site is prohibited. You may generally say what you like and lightly swear so long as you don’t do this constantly. BUT, you must follow these rules at all times:

* NO hateful speech (racist, sexist, religious, referencing names of ‘hate groups’ like the Nazis, messaging someone “F U”, etc. messages).

* NO display or descriptions of porn or pornographic acts (including references to genitals or sex acts in description or name).

* NO threats of physical, emotional or financial harm.

* NO sexual harassment.

* NO Real-world politics and religion for these have no place in our fantasy game and that includes forums, Shout Box, and other screens visible during game play.

* NO insults to a person – discussing someone’s play actions is okay, insulting the person behind the account is not.

* NO using real life names.

We may ignore a SINGLE outburst from one player to another, but we will NEVER ignore a real life threat (including threats against oneself), a hate message, or a comment which even borders on sexual harassment. We try to avoid reviewing private messages but please be advised that all data on the servers belong to Snakehead Games Inc. In some cases we must review game data including messages. This is typically in, but not limited to, cases where real life threats allegedly have been made. In addition, if requested by the appropriate legal bodies we will release information to them. That applies to logos, comments, forum posts, and images – any and all content. We do not censor Private Messages, but if we receive a complaint we will examine to see if the content violates any of our rules.

8. No Selling of Accounts

You may not sell accounts nor in-game forms of virtual property for real life funds; we’re supplying a service – it’s not property. This distinction is necessary for a number of legal reasons which otherwise could jeopardize the running of the game. Any transfers of account ownership must be approved by the admins. Trading game assets between any of the games engineered by Snakehead Games Inc. is allowed, but neither Admins nor Moderators police actively if anyone scams you. We strongly recommend using in-game features (such as the item market) to ensure safe, secure trading.

9. Fair Business Ethics

We try HARD to ethically and diligently ensure people have fun, are safe and (if they support us) get what they’ve paid for; so if you’ve got an issue – contact us and we’ll do our very best. Under no circumstances does purchasing a package from our Upgrade Account area make you immune to the rules and penalties listed herein. We appreciate all of the donations and purchases; however, we wish to create a fair environment to play in and will take action where it is needed to ensure this. You will not be credited for any account upgrades which are lost due to a freeze or ban. If you initiate a dispute process via PayPal, if you file a report with the Better Business Bureau, or if you do something similar without giving us time to resolve the issue, your account(s) here will be banned. We believe in, supply, and demand fair play and fair dealings.

10. TEEN-Rated and Mature Material

As noted on the registration page, the minimum age for playing is 13 years of age. All material should be viewable by Teens (those 13 and up) according to the guide at the Entertainment Software Rating Board. In no cases are threats (see rule 2) and other non-Teen concepts allowed on this website. Note that TEEN rating allows for infrequent use of strong language and excludes FREQUENT use of strong language. There is a very simple automatic censor in the Shout Box – it stops players from being frozen for using words which aren’t permitted in our TEEN rated game. (see rule 7) If you try to bypass it – using spaces, extra characters, misspelling, etc. – you are choosing to bring in non-TEEN content. We take this rule as seriously as we do the other rules – violations of these will lead to warnings, freezings and/or banishment from the site.

11. Ownership of Items Uploaded

As always, all unique material posted becomes the property of Snakehead Games, Inc. If you are uncomfortable with this, then please do not post to the forums, Shout Box, etc.

If you post material created by others you must ensure your posting does not violate Copyright. It is up to the individual poster (that’s you) to ensure that all material is free of Copyright issues. This includes written content, images, videos, and any other form of material subject to Copyright and similar concepts. In other words, do not post material which breaks Copyright and your local statutes.

While you are free to use our artwork to promote SHG games on third party sites (ex: fleet/faction forums or pages), you may not use it in a negative way. Any use of images or other content on a for-profit site, for reasons other than promotion of SHG and its games, requires our specific approval.

12. Naming Rules (Usernames, Aliases, Shipnames, Fleet Names/Ranks)

While you are free to name your Character, there are certain, mostly obvious limits:

a) Player usernames, ship names and aliases and Fleet/Faction names or ranks are not allowed to be racist, discriminating, religious, political, sexual, or in any way be a form of advertising. In obvious cases we will ask the offending player to change their name (or if offline we may change it for them). In less obvious cases, no action may be taken unless a player complains to the Staff or Moderators.

b) Player usernames, ship names and aliases and Fleet/Faction names or ranks can use mixed capital and normal letters but you cannot use capital letters or numbers to try to “hide” insults/cussing/etc.

c) Player usernames, ship names and aliases and Fleet/Faction names or ranks may not be made to imitate another player (ie. thisplayer2 or 2thatplayer) though generally CSRs and Moderators will let this slide if a player PM’s us (i.e. for purposes of good-natured parody) and the imitated user in question clears it as okay. See item d below.

d) Generic sounding names (The Captain, AgentQ, 001, etc.) are fine, however, if a similar name is already in-use, don’t imitate another player. Choose something different.

e) Player usernames, ship names and aliases and Fleet/Faction names or ranks may reference characters or variations thereof from other games.

13. Overreacting, Leaving and Overplaying

This is a game. Please remember that when things don’t go your way – also remember it when things are great. We’re here to have fun – as a community. If you’re not having fun by all means you may leave. There is no contract keeping you here. We do NOT delete accounts however, although we may systematically retire them. Occasionally players leave the game as they feel they need to focus on real life. We support that (ask a Moderator or CSR for advice). If you feel that you are playing excessively then consider cutting down or otherwise regulating your play.

14. Online Hits are not “Griefing”

Online hits are part of the game. The player community has decided it does not want any limits on hits by players on other players. We will NOT interfere with player vs. player hits, even if a player continues hitting dozens of times in a row. There are many in-game mechanics to solve this as per our threads in the forums.

15. No Privacy Violations

References to real life personal situations or events, asking for personal information, or asking for contact information of any kind are strictly prohibited for safety reasons. You may share information about yourself if you wish, but we ask you exercise caution and common sense when doing so. You may NOT reveal real life and/or private information about any other accounts or players without their explicit consent; this includes the moderators, CSRs, and administrators, as well as Snakehead Games, Inc.!

Privacy violations will be aggressively answered with warnings, freezing, or banning, depending on the severity of the abuse.