EDI Policy

Updated March 14, 2023

EDI Policy

SHG Studios / Snakehead Games Inc.


SHG Studios (Snakehead Games Inc.) is committed to creating a safe and inclusive workplace for everyone. We value diversity and aim to ensure equity in all aspects of our operations. SHG Studios know that our team reflecting our diverse audience is not only fair, but good business. This Equity Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) policy outlines our commitment to promoting diversity, equality, and inclusivity across our organization.


The purpose of this EDI policy is to provide a framework that guides our organization’s practices and initiatives towards promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion. Our policy aims to establish a culture where all employees can freely express themselves, work towards their full potential, and feel respected for who they are.


– Equity: Providing equal opportunities and support to individuals to ensure fairness and remove barriers that prevent them from participating fully in our workplace.

– Diversity: Refers to the variety of individual differences, including but not limited to, ability, disability, neurodiversity, gender, sexual orientation, age, ethnicity, religion and race.

– Inclusion: Involves fostering an environment that recognizes, respects, and values individuals’ differences, enabling them to thrive and contribute fully.

Policy Statement

Our company acknowledges the importance of promoting EDI in our workplace. We are committed to continuing to provide a welcoming, respectful, and equitable environment that promotes the dignity and worth of every individual. We will strive to create and maintain a diverse workforce that is reflective of the community we serve, and provide equitable opportunities for all employees.

We support EDI in our recruitment process, employment practices, training and development, and decision-making. 

Our policies and practices should be free from discrimination of any kind, including but not limited to ability, disability, neurodiversity, gender, sexual orientation, age, ethnicity, religion and race. or any other legally protected status.


Our policy includes active recruitment from diverse communities, tailored career development, & a bias toward these candidates in close decision cases. We aim to hire on merit with an eye to EDI including Neurodiversity and Mental Health.

We pledge to accommodate individuals with disabilities as per the Ontario Human Rights Code.


All employees, regardless of rank or position, are expected to comply with our EDI policy and treat one another with respect and dignity.


SHG Studios is committed to promoting Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion as fundamental values within our organization. We are dedicated to providing a supportive and inclusive work environment where everyone can thrive, succeed and contribute to the best of their abilities. This policy is a vital step towards achieving our goals and objectives, and we invite all employees to join us in our journey towards EDI excellence.