Now that 3.x is live on all our supported platforms (including Blackberry via the Amazon store), we’re able to again resume further game enhancements. Some of those new elements we’ve been designing for a while are are now approaching a release point. For example, the existing notification system which uses a third party service just isn’t meeting our needs. A completely new replacement is nearly ready, using only code that we control.
Here’s another such item – a custom search. This presents a few challenges adding into an established mobile game, such as efficient display and speed of use. We’ve simplified this so that a new button to the left of the existing search is added – tapping it brings up the screen you see here. The values in this screen are “remembered” each time and usability is solid. We feel this will be especially useful for players during squad wars.
Next up: refill cost reductions on supplies and energy. Earlier, we reworked how the supply drops functioned and added in the silver, gold and platinum box feature. As part of the overall update, it has been intended to revisit and adjust the supplies and energy point use.
This has been in active development and testing and represents a 20% bonus when replenishing supplies or energy. The real trick has been ensuring that any and all prior point uses for these will be retroactively given. That’s only fair – it’s getting close to when we can activate it 🙂