Immortals – adding Angua von Uberwald exists to give a chance to have fun, and forget about the cares of the world.   Sometimes though real life can’t be ignored.

On the weekend we had another great of the game pass: Angua von Uberwald.  She was ill when she joined us, but she didn’t complain about the many chunks of ill fortune life threw her way.  She proceeded to be so dominant that she ended as  one of the top dozen most powerful players.  She helped many new players achieve their goals in the game – whatever they were.  She was a leader.

We have elected to add her to the Halls of the Immortals.  Immortals are those players who have had a genuinely powerful influence on the community before passing in “Real Life”.  Only 2 other players have been enshrined before; she rests in glory with FourFingers (FF), and Geoffrey De Lysander (GDL).  I miss these friends, as I’ll miss Angua.

Rest in Peace.