On Synergy and Dedication by Billy Stone

I left Brock University and did an internship at an animation studio close by, in St. Catharines. I was then offered a very lucky opportunity: being a Unity Developer for SHG Studios. I have, so far, spent 2 weeks here and already learned a years’ worth of tools, techniques, and skills. I didn’t at all expect to find something like this after graduating. I thought for sure I would be working in retail for the next couple years paying off my student loan.

When I started I was put on a project learning management tools and creating concept art (which I loved doing). The second week I was moved to another project to aid the Producer by being an assistant Producer. During my final year at Brock, I was the Producer for our fourth year games project and it went very well. So, being an assistant producer at an actual company is kind of exhilarating and a little scary.

One of my favorite things so far about this company is the synergy everyone has with each other. I have never been in, or worked with, a company that is this comfortable, yet this dedicated.

It feels like a dream company you see in the movies that leaves the audience saying “I want that job!”