Comics Contest – Top 3 Announced!

Round two is ended! The polls have closed, and the votes are in. In the end, it was a much closer race than we had anticipated, but with three clear leaders in the votes.

Girl Genius
Schlock Mercenary
Legostar Galatica

Scraping into 1st position by just 4 votes (111 total) we have Girl Genius, and hot on GG’s heels, we had a tie for second place between Legostar Galactica and Schlock Mercenary, with each outstripping the competition with 107 votes apiece.

Based on what we’ve seen in this time around, the third and final vote is still very much anyone’s game.

Round 3 of voting, for the grand prize of $1000 in advertising, will begin shortly. In order to prevent vote fraud, voting will once more be held in